2013 AAIC Video Highlights
New Alzheimer's Therapy Targets And Approaches Reported At Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2013.
Wall Street Journal (Alz Assoc. Press Release) (July 14th)
"Allopregnanolone is a well-characterized agent with a very promising track record of promoting neural stem cell generation and restoring cognitive function in animal models of Alzheimer's," said Brinton. "We consider Allopregnanolone a first in class regenerative therapeutic for MCI and Alzheimer's. Our hope is that, through further research, we will add Allo to the roster of Alzheimer's treatments.
"A critical issue to consider for potential regenerative therapies for Alzheimer's is the ongoing and progressive burden of brain cell death caused by the disease. It is not sufficient solely to generate new neurons and to promote their survival; it is necessary to reduce the ongoing burden of pathology for there to be long-term benefits for cognition and function," Brinton added. "We were very encouraged to discover that Allo reduced the burden of Alzheimer's pathology. Our latest findings are very exciting as they show that Allo increases the energy capacity of the brain. This is important because the generation of new neurons, new synaptic circuits and synaptic transmission all require substantial energy."
Dr. Roberta Brinton talks about plans to test a possible Alzheimer's therapy that capitalizes on the ability of the brain and body to repair itself.
Roberta Diaz Brinton received USC’s first Remarkable Woman Award on March 5 in an award ceremony held on the University Park Campus
The USC Remarkable Woman Awards are sponsored by the Office of Campus Activities, Women’s Student Assembly, Center for Women and Men and Gender Studies Program. The award recognizes achievements in the individual’s field, significant contributions to USC, commitment to students and women’s issues, and community involvement and outreach.
Brinton is an internationally recognized expert in cellular, biochemical and genomic mechanisms underlying learning and memory.
She is also part of an interdisciplinary team of USC researchers developing “NeuroChips,” silicon chips with the information processing capability of human brain cells that may ultimately be able to be inserted into the brain to replace damaged or dysfunctional brain systems.
In addition to her research, graduate student and post doctoral mentoring and teaching responsibilities, Brinton has for the past 14 years voluntarily directed the USC STAR Program in which over 500 economically disadvantaged, primarily minority high school students have participated.
She has also personally mentored over 50 STAR students in her laboratory. In addition, the STAR-sponsored USC Bravo Science Fair has, over the course of 14 years, benefited over 14,000 disadvantaged, primarily minority high school students.